Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day

So as I sit here and type I am listening to the election in the background and thinking: November 5th will be a day of history and yes the political adds will stop. YEA!!!!
This week is a crazy week for me, I have doctors appoitments and class projects to create as well as to cut lots of paper for a workshop on Friday. To add to the craziness is a cooking class and an Opera (for which I do not have a dress for). So I see a mall in my future, come Sunday I will just relax-after my class at Kim's house. My goal this week is to get some project pictures up as soon as I make them.

A few reminders:
I have a Christmas card class on November 14th at 6:30pm- this is sure to be fun- plus lets face it Christmas is around the corner so why not get the cards made now.

November 21 at 6:30pm - I will be teaching a 9 x 9 Accordian album, this is so stickin cute and makes a great gift.

Well its time to watch the VOTE


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