Sunday, November 23, 2008


Friday night found me in my stamp room with Friends making this Christmas 9x9 flip album. We had lots of fun and enjoyed making a great present to give to friends and family.

When we were done with the photo book, I showed off my scrapbook page. This page was created after seeing a page similar to this in a sales catalog for "cheep stuff" - I looked at it and felt I could make this page more sophisticated and fun. It is a very girlie page but it is nice...

Saturday night my family came over for dinner and we had a good time. We played games and ate lots of turkey, yummy!!!! This is my nephew Zach, at age 4 he is lots of fun and full of energy.

Sunday was a day with friends and spending money.....A pampered chef party. Now I have not been to one in years and well this was fun and I did spend some money. Forgot to by scrappers the one item I wanted. Guess I will have to buy more later.

Well I am leaving for a much needed trip this week so my blog will be behind. I will be in Florida and will have lots to post with pictures when I come back. Have a Great Thanksgiving.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Saturday in November

Well it has been a while since I have updated my blog, it has been a crazy time. My dad has been diagnosed with lung cancer and well I had to put stamping on the back burner for a while, mostly to process what was happening. Now I need Stampin' UP and my other family, they make me laugh and smile and well this is the best way to deal with stress that I know.

I did some tiles last week to give to some friends- I used Viola and had a great time making these tiles. Laura taught me some great cooking ideas and tricks of the trade and Jessie is her helper, or should I say the Greatest helper, Jessie is also a Green Bay Packers fan so her tile is in her team colors.

So with this said I did have a class on Friday night, a Christmas Card Crank and we had fun, I had a new lady there Stephanie and she had fun and did a great job, I hope she continues to come out and make great cards with us. I do have to thank Christy S. for helping me "come up" with some great card ideas. I did add to one and well the other was perfect and they were a big hit, Thank You. At this time I will have to give Kim lots of credit she has been very instrumental in teaching me what to do as well as believing that I do have creativity. Yes I did use her cards as well for class and they too were a big hit.

So next week I am having a 9x9 Accordion Album, Christmas Style. This class is going to be great! Now I just need my stuff to get here, if it does not I will make some great scrapbook pages. It seems that the stamping world feel for the I Wish Simply Scrappin Kit which I can understand. So now I look out for the UPS guy and wait.....

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day

So as I sit here and type I am listening to the election in the background and thinking: November 5th will be a day of history and yes the political adds will stop. YEA!!!!
This week is a crazy week for me, I have doctors appoitments and class projects to create as well as to cut lots of paper for a workshop on Friday. To add to the craziness is a cooking class and an Opera (for which I do not have a dress for). So I see a mall in my future, come Sunday I will just relax-after my class at Kim's house. My goal this week is to get some project pictures up as soon as I make them.

A few reminders:
I have a Christmas card class on November 14th at 6:30pm- this is sure to be fun- plus lets face it Christmas is around the corner so why not get the cards made now.

November 21 at 6:30pm - I will be teaching a 9 x 9 Accordian album, this is so stickin cute and makes a great gift.

Well its time to watch the VOTE
